Integrate FlutterFlow + SendGrid in a few clicks
Connect FlutterFlow to SendGrid easy, fast and secure using visual builder and powerful API connectors. No coding required
Simple yet powerful FlutterFlow + SendGrid integration solution
Using APIxFlow you can integrate FlutterFlow and SendGrid to enable your data be used inside mobile app or website in a minutes. Connect FlutterFlow to SendGrid data visually to query and write data, run custom action and sync data with your app in real time.
How to connect FlutterFlow + SendGrid
APIxFlow provides you with all required tools to create integration process and sync data between FlutterFlow and SendGrid automatically. You can build and customize integrations using visual no-code builder easy and fast
Securely connect FlutterFlow and SendGrid accounts
Customize your FlutterFlow to SendGrid integration
Publish FlutterFlow + SendGrid automation online in 1 click
Cost and time savings with endless no-code abilities
Cost-efficient integrations Pricing
Our flexible pricing optimized for your business needs so you pay only for real value
Get Started for Free. Add a Plan Later.
Get 2 month for free

APIxFlow Starter
- 1 Integration Project
- 3 Custom Flows
- Starter modules
- Free for basic usage
- 2000 queries/month
- 50 PDF documents/month
APIxFlow Growth
$19 /month
- 1 Integration Project
- 10 Custom Flows
- Starter + Growth Modules
- Email & Chat support
- 20 000 queries/month
- 500 PDF documents/month
APIxFlow Pro
$49 /month
- Unlimited Integration Projects
- Unlimited Custom Flows
- All Modules & Actions
- Email & Chat support
- 2 000 000 queries/month
- Unlimited PDF generation
APIxFlow Starter
- 1 Integration Project
- 3 Custom Flows
- Starter modules
- Free for basic usage
- 2000 queries/month
- 50 PDF documents/month
APIxFlow Growth Annual
$190 /year
- 1 Integration Project
- 10 Custom Flows
- Starter + Growth Modules
- Email & Chat support
- 240 000 queries/year
- 6 000 PDF documents/year
APIxFlow Pro Annual
$490 /year
- Unlimited Integration Projects
- Unlimited Custom Flows
- All Modules & Actions
- Email & Chat support
- 24M queries/year
- Unlimited PDF generation
All Required Features and Services In Unified Toolset
APIxFlow Starter
Core Features
- Visual Integrations Builder
- Low-code integrations
- API integrations
- Airtable integration
- AWS S3 integration
- Azure SQL integration
- Google Calendar integration
- Google Sheets integration
- Microsoft SQL integration
- MongoDB integration
- MySQL integration
- PDF integration
- PostgreSQL integration
- Stripe integration
APIxFlow Growth
Core Features
- Visual Integrations Builder
- Low-code integrations
- API integrations
- Auth & Identity module
- Assets Manager
- Airtable integration
- AWS S3 integration
- Azure SQL integration
- Google Calendar integration
- Google Sheets integration
- Microsoft SQL integration
- MongoDB integration
- MySQL integration
- PDF integration
- PostgreSQL integration
- Stripe integration
APIxFlow Pro
Core Features
- Visual Integrations Builder
- Low-code integrations
- API integrations
- Auth & Identity module
- Assets Manager
- Custom SQL Queries
- Advanced Analytics
- AI Copilot
- Airtable integration
- AWS S3 integration
- Azure SQL integration
- Google Calendar integration
- Google Sheets integration
- Microsoft SQL integration
- MongoDB integration
- MySQL integration
- PDF integration
- PostgreSQL integration
- Stripe integration
Let's Try! Get all features for free right now
Start Your 14 Days Free Trial
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