Connect FlutterFlow + Salesforce CRM with no-code integration in a few clicks
Integrate FlutterFlow to Salesforce CRM easy, secure and without limits using visual builder and powerful API connectors
Looking for FlutterFlow and Salesforce CRM integration service?
Using Onlizer you can connect FlutterFlow with Salesforce CRM, setup notifications about events or enable communication in chats, automate data sync, data analytics and BI tools. Learn how to design, build, and automate anything for your work by integrating services like ClickUp and Google Forms to create visual automated apps and workflows
How to connect FlutterFlow + Salesforce CRM
Onlizer provides you with all required tools to setup connection and send info between FlutterFlow and Salesforce CRM automatically. You can build and customize integrations fast using visual builder - no code required.
Securely connect FlutterFlow and Salesforce CRM accounts
Customize your FlutterFlow to Salesforce CRM integration
Run automation FlutterFlow + Salesforce CRM online in 1 click
Cost and time savings with endless no-code abilities
ApiFlow by Onlizer
Create customized individual integration of FlutterFlow to Salesforce CRM with flexible, easy to use, no-code tools
ApiFlow integrates FlutterFlow and Salesforce CRM with powerful visual setup flow and allows to open access to external data for FlutterFlow developers in minutes. With fast setup, secure services connection and cost-optimized runtime ApiFlow automations make your development process more efficient and provide new level of no-code experience.

Connect your data to FlutterFlow
Query and modify data in Salesforce CRM from FlutterFlow apps with simple and fast no-code integration
Connect FlutterFlow to:
ApiFlow available now in beta mode. Request access to enchance your FlutterFlow development experience
FlutterFlow + Salesforce CRM integration ideas
Support or submit FlutterFlow and Salesforce CRM integration idea and we'll invite you to use it early for free! Our development team will reach you personally with estimation for this request. Also you can vote for most relevant suggestions below.
Explore FlutterFlow and Salesforce CRM integration features
You can easy create integration for FlutterFlow and Salesforce CRM using no-code builder and customize it to fit your needs with great amount of events and actions availalbe in API connectors
Account updated in Salesforce CRM
Trigger activates when existing account was updated in Salesforce
Try trigger TriggerObject created in Salesforce CRM
Trigger activates when new object of selected type was created in Salesforce
Try trigger TriggerObject updated in Salesforce CRM
Trigger activates when existing object of selected type was updated in Salesforce
Try trigger TriggerGet accounts in Salesforce CRM
Returns accounts list. Optionally can be filtered by field filter. Maximum 200 records per request
Try action ActionGet contacts in Salesforce CRM
Returns contacts list. Maximum 200 records per request
Try action ActionCreate task for account in Salesforce CRM
Creates new task related to selected account
Try action ActionCreate task for contact in Salesforce CRM
Creates new task related to selected contact
Try action ActionFAQ
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