Connect GoToWebinar with other services in few minutes

Easy integrate GoToWebinar and connect realtime online data sync with other services: WhatsApp, Slack, Power BI, Google Looker Studio and many more

GoToWebinar integrations

Notify for GoToWebinar

Track important events in GoToWebinar and send them to WhatsApp, Telegram, Discord and other messengers

Setup send and receive notifications for events in GoToWebinar in a few minutes



Talk to your customers from GoToWebinar and close deals faster via omni-channel communication

Onlizer Chats connects GoToWebinar to WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber and other messengers to send and receive messages, sync chats, add contacts and deals on the fly, schedule tasks and track activities.

Onlizer Chats messages sync

Onlizer BI

Connect GoToWebinar as data source and import data and insights with integration to Power BI, Google Looker Studio, Google Data Studio and other BI services

Onlizer BI integrates data from your GoToWebinar to Power BI, Google Looker Studio (former Google Data Studio), Tableau and other BI tools to analyze contacts, deals, tasks and other data on the fly, build dashboards and get insights quickly.

Onlizer BI integration setup

GoToWebinar integration ideas

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You can easy create integration for GoToWebinar using no-code builder and customize it to fit your needs. Onlizer provides wide range of services to connect with GoToWebinar
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All GoToWebinar integrations

Explore GoToWebinar integration features

You can easy create integration for GoToWebinar using no-code builder and customize it to fit your needs.

Get the list of webinars for an account within a given date range

Retrieves the list of webinars for an account within a given date range. Default page is 0 and default size is 20

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Resend invitation

Resends an invitation email to the specified co-organizer

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Get completed organizer sessions

Retrieve all completed sessions of all the webinars of a given organizer

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Get organizer webinars

Returns upcoming and past webinars for the currently authenticated organizer that are scheduled within the specified date/time range

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Resend the panelist invitation email

Resend the panelist invitation email

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Search for completed recordingassets

Operations available for assets of a given organizer.

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Get registrant details

Retrieve registration details for a specific registrant

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Create registrant

Register an attendee for a scheduled webinar. The response contains the registrantKey and join URL for the registrant. An email will be sent to the registrant unless the organizer turns off the confirmation email setting from the GoToWebinar website

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Delete webinar registrant

Removes a webinar registrant from current registrations for the specified webinar. The webinar must be a scheduled, future webinar.

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Get webinar registrants

Retrieve registration details for all registrants of a specific webinar. Registrant details will not include all fields captured when creating the registrant. To see all data, use method 'Get registrant details'. Registrants can have one of the following states: WAITING - registrant registered and is awaiting approval (where organizer has required approval), APPROVED - registrant registered and is approved, and DENIED - registrant registered and was denied

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Get registration fields

Retrieve required, optional registration, and custom questions for a specified webinar

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Get session performance

Get performance details for a session

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Get session polls

Retrieve all collated attendee questions and answers for polls from a specific webinar session

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Get session questions

Retrieve questions and answers for a past webinar session

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Get session surveys

Retrieve surveys for a past webinar session

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Get all attendees for all sessions of the specified webinar

Returns all attendees for all sessions of the specified webinar.

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Get co-organizers

Returns the co-organizers for the specified webinar. The original organizer who created the webinar is filtered out of the list. If the webinar has no co-organizers, an empty array is returned. Co-organizers that do not have a GoToWebinar account are returned as external co-organizers. For those organizers no surname is returned.

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Create co-organizers

Creates co-organizers for the specified webinar. For co-organizers that have a GoToWebinar account you have to set the parameter 'external' to 'false'. For co-organizers that have no GoToWebinar account you have to set the parameter 'external' to 'true'. In this case you have to pass the parameters 'Given name' and 'Email'. Since there is no parameter for 'Surname' you should pass first and last name to the parameter 'Given name'.

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Delete co-organizer

Deletes an internal co-organizer specified by the coorganizerKey (memberKey).

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Get the meeting times for a webinar

Retrieves the meeting times for a webinar

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Get webinar performance

Gets performance details for all sessions of a specific webinar

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Retrieve information on a specific webinar

Retrieve information on a specific webinar. If the type of the webinar is 'sequence', a sequence of future times will be provided. Webinars of type 'series' are treated the same as normal webinars - each session in the webinar series has a different webinarKey. If an organizer cancels a webinar, then a request to get that webinar would return a '404 Not Found' error.

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Creates a webinar

Creates a single session webinar, a sequence of webinars or a series of webinars depending on the type field 'Type'

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Updates a webinar

The update completely replaces the existing sessions, series or sequence.

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Cancels a specific webinar

If the webinar is a series or sequence, this call deletes all scheduled sessions. To send cancellation emails to registrants set 'Send cancellation emails' to true.

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Get attendance of webinar session

Retrieves attendance details for a specific webinar session that has ended. If attendees attended the session ('registrantsAttended'), specific attendance details, such as attendenceTime for a registrant, will also be retrieved

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